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Hotel Rex, next to the Railway Station in Lucca

Lucca city walls, built between 1504 and 1645

Porta San Pietro

Walking the city walls

St Martin's Cathedral

Ilaria del Carretto, portrait in marble from 1405-6




Saint Michael's Church

San Michele in Forno, in the midst of the ancient Roman Forum and dedicated to St. Michael the Archangel already existed in the 8th century, probably during the Longobard period. Soon after a "hospitale" was added to receive pilgrims travelling on the Via Francigena, among whom was Saint Davino the Armenian, whose relics are kept beneath its altar. During the first part of the 11th century, Bishop John II added the crypt. The beautiful building we see today is the result of the reconstruction which took place during the second half of the 11th century under Pope Alexander II, Bishop of Lucca and one of the most important figures of the Gregorian Reformation, the object of which was to return the Church to its original pure moral values. The construction works continued during the 12th century until 1383 when the facade was finally completed.


St. Michael killing the dragon





The Amphitheatre

Francesco Xaverio Geminiani 1687-1762

Dinner at l'Oste di Lucca

The cathedral and the tower at Pisa



The Leaning Tower


The baptistry

View from Hotel Grand Duomo



Street restaurant in front of the hotel.... Trattoria Toscana

Birthday celebration

Farewell to Pisa